Here's a picture of me. I have my computer here in the hospital. I've had some great visits that have been nice and brief. A bit of clarification on Marcella's paragraph below: They will biopsy the tumor, but so far there is only suspicion that it might be cancerous. There is no confirmation of that at this time.
3/10/2012 12:50:12 pm
Kevin, you're looking good! Looks like they downgraded your turban to a ski cap. ;-P
3/12/2012 10:36:33 am
You look great!
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KevinIt's me, Kevin, but with a brain tumor. Disclaimer: I have a very dry and twisted sense of humor. This is a scary situation. The jokes ("tumor humor") could be a little dark from time to time. I intend to keep this rather interesting for you, but if I get a "how could you SAY that?!?" response from you, know it's just, well, I hesitate to use "gallows" humor, but I don't have better phrase for it. Enjoy, and thanks for your support through this time. Archives
February 2015