I want to express my thanks to all who have read and commented here. The support is tremendously helpful and it gives me a reality check about the support that I have. I hope that everyone can realize that they, too, have many many many people who love them. Remember that, because it's truly amazing. Thank you!
There's no news to report today. Tomorrow I should know for certain if an MRI really is possible. There's been a little confusion along that line, but I have a routine check-up appointment with a cardiologist for my pacemaker tomorrow. He's the one who mentioned about the possibility of the MRI with a pacemaker, which is generally a no-no. It's possible that there is no potential for an MRI, but I'll know for certain tomorrow. ;)
KevinIt's me, Kevin, but with a brain tumor. Disclaimer: I have a very dry and twisted sense of humor. This is a scary situation. The jokes ("tumor humor") could be a little dark from time to time. I intend to keep this rather interesting for you, but if I get a "how could you SAY that?!?" response from you, know it's just, well, I hesitate to use "gallows" humor, but I don't have better phrase for it. Enjoy, and thanks for your support through this time. Archives
February 2015